The moment I heard Elon was trying for Twitter, I knew he had a big target on his back. Greenwald thinks likewise. The Deep State is ruthless: censorship is their instrument by which they brainwash the masses, and they will try to nail Elon before he does something about it. The news stories these days are nothing but psychops by the Establishment. They have captured the whole spectrum of the media: there is little difference ideologically these days between the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. They are both propaganda arms of the Deep State. The Financial Times and the Economist are the publications of the Davos crowd. If one wants wants to get a glimmer of truth one has to try to find it in the alternative media. In any case, Elon has already been successful to some degree: he flushed out these censorious totalitarians. Many people can now see how bad these types are as they are going into hysterics over someone who say that he would like to bring back free speech on a social media platform. In my view, it will be very difficult for Elon to withstand the onslaught. I hope there will be other people of his kind who will come out of the woodwork to support him and help him. I am aware that Peter Thiel has been active on this front as well. This is a great and worthy struggle: we are fighting for the future of our children. What kind of world will they live in? Will it be a totalitarian system based on censorship, manipulation and lies or will it be a world of freedom and openness?